
Latest news

We notify our members of updates through a regular e-newsletter. We also plan to publish regular updates on this website.

03 December 2020

Yarralumla Shops

Yarralumla Shops After the success of Floriade:Reimagined at the Yarralumla Shops, YRA now has approval to continue to maintain a flower bed at the shops.

30 November 2020

Derelict site - 39 Bentham and 33 Hutchins

The blocks 39 Bentham and 33 Hutchins Street opposite Yarralumla Shops were part of early 1920's Canberra Brickworks Housing Precinct but are now a derelict site.

18 October 2020

Tree maintenance group meeting times

The Yarralumla volunteer tree maintenance group will meet every Tuesday at 9.00am until the middle of December to work on the ridge from Denman Street near the Uniting Church.

23 September 2020

Floriade in Yarralumla

The tulips and annuals at the shops and in the pocket park on the corner of Novar and Hooker are coming into bloom thanks to those residents who have watered and cared for them over recent months. Sad to see that one of the wheelbarrows of blooms vanished one night.

22 September 2020

Blue Gum Point project

The ACT Government has awarded an Environment Grant of $20,856 to Friends of Grasslands to restore grassy woodlands at Blue Gum Point (east) in Yarralumla. The site contains populations of the nationally endangered Button Wrinklewort and Golden Sun Moth.

01 September 2020

2020 ACT Election - YRA Priorities

YRA wrote to all the known candidates for the electorate of Murrumbidgee in the forthcoming ACT election, seeking their views on a number of issues affecting Yarralumla. Read more to see the YRA's list of key priorities and the responses we've received.

25 July 2020

Yarralumla Community Garden Proposal

TheYarralumla Community Garden Group (YCG) seeks your support in establishing a community garden on the corner of Loftus and Mueller Streets.

14 July 2020

Brickworks Update

YRA started out in 1988 because of opposition to the then proposed plans for the Canberra Brickworks. After more than 30 years of hard work by many people we were represented on the community panel that was consulted as part of the tender process and in 2019 Doma were confirmed by the ACT Government (Suburban Land Agency “SLA”) as the successful tenderer.

13 July 2020

Planning and development updates

Summaries of the recent planning and development updates

01 June 2020

Floriade: Reimagined

Yarralumla will have its own slice of Floriade with 2650 bulbs and annuals to be planted in Yarralumla as part of Floriade Reimagined